Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alarm Clock + Spray Paint

Well, I have certainly been neglectful with my posting lately! I have been working on projects but I haven't finished many. I will share them just as soon as I get my butt in gear.

I have been in desperate need of a new alarm clock so I can stop using my cell phone's alarm ( I love my friends and family, but unless their car is on fire or they're having a baby or something, I don't want to hear from them after bedtime). I went out looking for the perfect alarm clock and couldn't find it. Isn't that how it always goes? I did however find this little guy:

I liked the shape and size of it and I thought the digits were kind of cute, all made out of squares like that. I didn't particularly like the shiny chrome finish (it had finger prints galore after the first day) and I really didn't like the big black snooze button that actually says SNOOZE on it. So I popped off the metal case and went through my box of spray paints and found the perfect color:

They make spray paint specifically for plastics if you want to try this on a plastic clock. Now on to the SNOOZE button issue. I just painted the button with white acrylic paint:

Then I went scrounging through my jar of fabric scraps and found this darling bit:

I attached the fabric to the snooze button using 3M Super 77 spray adhesive. Then I just crammed the innards back in the case (it actually took a bit of finessing to get the clock put back together). And here it is, all pink and lovely:

Where I like to link:

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