I got this mini ironing board from a local thrift store for $2.00 (a steal) but it was in dire need of a new cover.
First, I took off the old cover and used it as a pattern for my new super cute cover. I just pinned the old cover on top of my fabric and cut around it leaving about a two and a half inch border.
I then folded over the fabric one inch all the way around and ironed the one inch fold. I clipped into the curves to make it easier to turn.
Next, I sewed the hem with a 1/4 of an inch seam, leaving a two inch gap so I could thread my elastic through.

I then tied my elastic around a safety pin, threaded my elastic all the way through to cover, and tied it in a knot.

Finally, I fit my cover onto the ironing board and tucked the elastic under the hem.

There you have it, a super easy way to spruce up your old ironing board.